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Beginning Conversational French

April 17, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Think you need multiple classes to understand beginner French? Discover how easy learning simple words and phrases for leisure and business can be. The Beginning Conversational French course makes pronunciation simple, with phonetic spellings for every word and phrase you need to learn French. This online course even includes audio so that you can hear and practice the language with little more than a click of your mouse! You will also learn cultural tips in each lesson that will make you more comfortable in a foreign setting. The skills you obtain will not only allow you to carry on a French conversation with ease but also become prepared to speak French in a wide variety of settings and situations.
Upon successful course completion, you will know useful basic French that you can confidently use when traveling. You will also understand important tips to help you blend in with and relate to foreign cultures. You will be amazed at how easy it is to speak a new language!
A new class begins the 2nd or 3rd Wed of each month. You will receive 2 lessons each week for 6 weeks, followed by a final exam, and will have 8 weeks to complete.