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The 6 Types of Working Genius

April 19, 2023


Iowa Valley Business and Community Solutions Conference Center
3702 S. Center St
Marshalltown, IA 50158 United States
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Patrick Lencioni, the author of The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and other business classics, has defined six stages of work that are of high importance to a team. He calls them “The 6 Types of Working Genius.”

Out of the six, two of them come naturally and give you joy and energy (Working Geniuses), two drain you of your joy and energy (your Working Frustrations) and the other two you can do for a while, but eventually will drain joy and energy (your Working Competencies). For a team to achieve the most success, having at least one person with each Working Genius is desirable. As such, this is a productivity tool and not only a personality profile like DISC, Colors and Strengths Finder.

Discover your Working Geniuses and Working Frustrations by taking the assessment in class (included in fee). You’ll receive your own personal productivity report which includes descriptions of each Genius. You’ll also see how individuals with different geniuses interact and the importance of each Genius to a team. Walk away with an understanding of your individual strengths and weaknesses, but also gain insight into tensions and misunderstandings within your team. The Working Genius also works for families! This class will open your eyes to your actions, behavior, and your response to others. It will also arm you with knowledge on ways to work with the other geniuses on your team so you can maximize performance and productivity.

Offered in partnership with Hawkeye Community College.

Class Date Class Times Course ID
April 19 Wednesday, 9:00 – 11:00 am 11466