Online Courses
Online Courses
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Save $Money$ with Extreme Couponing!
Learn how to save $$$ every day with extreme couponing. Coupons are NOT just for groceries. The savings can add up to HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of dollars every year.…
How to Outline and Write an Irresistible Romance
Romance is the #1 selling fiction genre. Whether you're a new or experienced writer, this comprehensive session will help you sharpen your skills with practical step-by-step advice. You will discover the…
Spanish for Health Care
Spanish for Health Care is a self-paced, online occupational Spanish conversation course that seeks to bridge the communication gap between English-speaking healthcare professionals and Spanish-speaking patients. Details
EKG Technician
The course will combine theory and practice to provide instruction in all aspects of EKG technology and patient care. Students will learn about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular…
Getting Started with Google Workspace
In a business environment—using Google Workspace, a web-based suite of applications designed for different types of work—can significantly increase your productivity. These apps can increase creativity, critical thinking, and communication…
Veterinary Assistant
If you have ever considered a career as a veterinary assistant, you might have quite a few questions about what it is they do: What vaccinations do cats and dogs?…
Adobe Illustrator Essentials
Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard computer illustration software. Use Illustrator to draw shapes and design logos, flyers, posters, banners, business cards or any other vector graphics for print or…
HTML Fundamentals
This course covers all the basics of HTML coding language. You will learn to build simple web pages by hand coding, using HTML tags to create paragraphs, headings, lists, links,…
Intermediate Web Design
Anyone wanting to find out how to create effective and dynamic websites/applications will want to take this course. You may be a webmaster or a graphic designer already creating static…
How to Start Any Home Business + 250 Home Business Ideas!
Tired of working for someone else? Do you need to make more money? Turn your talents and hobbies into profits by starting a home business. Taught by a Chamber of…
Spanish for Health Care
Spanish for Health Care is a self-paced, online occupational Spanish conversation course that seeks to bridge the communication gap between English-speaking healthcare professionals and Spanish-speaking patients. Details
EKG Technician
The course will combine theory and practice to provide instruction in all aspects of EKG technology and patient care. Students will learn about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular…